FireStats error processing pending hits: ?????? ???? ??????: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' ip,0 ip0, 281472252934507 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ' at line 1
MySQL Version: 5.1.55
SQL Query:
SELECT DISTINCT(ip) FROM wp_firestats_excluded_ips,(SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471460392055 ip1 UNION SELECT '\' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472252934507 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474341168929 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ion/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474007101457 ip1 UNION SELECT '11aee31' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636587857 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306430255 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768190647 ip1 UNION SELECT 'mggq%2C+3%3A%29&PHPSESSID=633d5f2ae66987' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'eilcwnkjdr+%5Blink%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fzzhqpi' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'FbdvlX-Real-IP' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '7; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ndowsAccept' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'mpatible; 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U; en)' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '01:40:06 GMT' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472697227287 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768196570 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470774490605 ip1 UNION SELECT '174.215' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474364892366 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768196571 ip1 UNION SELECT 'me/offbrai0/wordpress/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474017059578 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'r-AgeReferer' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'uage' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'kie' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473600959289 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471805377395 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473846718152 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636579589 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471453803573 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470774490612 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670250049 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670256296 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636575506 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471460416737 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768195712 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306389732 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471460441048 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '; 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Googlebot/2.1; +http:/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473910804705 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670197840 ip1 UNION SELECT ')' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472041817354 ip1 UNION SELECT 'Modified-Since' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'SESSID=0c2f81acb87bc666c9d95993f6b58f22' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'SESSICache-Control' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472171163529 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470774490610 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473846718175 ip1 UNION SELECT 'CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET C' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'HPSESSID=68ddf23bcbc2d6c03c59a2760c8d159' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474077525065 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474241048966 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472241598319 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470721516520 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472228423456 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306425158 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474016747612 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670271812 ip1 UNION SELECT '%2C+O%3A%29+ggwyhntyoe+%5Burl%3Dhttp%3A%' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '05:52:08 GMT' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306425156 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472583643225 ip1 UNION SELECT 'pplication/xhtml+xml' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '.142' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472667778806 ip1 UNION SELECT 'r/4.0(+' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'r-Agent' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471145199750 ip1 UNION SELECT '8.30' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471460388894 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473672227350 ip1 UNION SELECT 'efox/4.0' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '03.33' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ation/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471326589078 ip1 UNION SELECT '.1' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '0.14) Gecko/2009082707 Firefox/3.0.14 (.' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '/5.0 (Windows; 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rv:19.0) Gecko/201' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '.115' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '=register' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '177.3Accept' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '26.186' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '%3A-D&PHPSESSID=89eef14d45ac69e5125082e0' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470766229602 ip1 UNION SELECT '1.199' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'E19)' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '.ru' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472277157436 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473907880322 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472039891321 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ai0/wordpress/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306388486 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470774490585 ip1 UNION SELECT 'on/xhtml+xml' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '5.235' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '6.37' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '+xml' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471460424699 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306369336 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474308126239 ip1 UNION SELECT '38.190' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'he-Control' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ESSID=c52b46c73a891218cd4fb54212a1badf' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '37.217' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '2.192' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281472478227136 ip1 UNION SELECT '*;q=0.01' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'ge/gif' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670228142 ip1 UNION SELECT '8%7C+gehgagc%2C+8-%7C+xuynxddflr+%5Blink' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670253307 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636579587 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473670250051 ip1 UNION SELECT 'Opera/9.00 (Windows NT 5.1; 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U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB;' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473599587416 ip1 UNION SELECT 'application/xml;q=0.9' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '5.115' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '1.18' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768216665 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470774485528 ip1 UNION SELECT '.80 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) Presto/' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471807372938 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281471306430249 ip1 UNION SELECT 'oia+%5Blink%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fdruevxndnabw.' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473846718149 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281474006948203 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636605752 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470775717570 ip1 UNION SELECT 'etfonAccept' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473636577116 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281470768197537 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473230680324 ip1 UNION SELECT '17:25:13 GMT' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'lication/xml;q=0.9' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT 'q=0.9User-Agent' ip,0 ip0, 281470681743360 ip1 UNION SELECT '' ip,0 ip0, 281473846728618 ip1 UNION SELECT '.1; 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